Sometime in every Italian's lifetime, they should see the glories of Roma, Italy as my grandma (nonna) would say. So far I have seen the Trevi Fountain located in the Quirinale District completed in 1762 that portrays the god Neptune. As tradition suggests, I turned around and threw a coin into the fountain for luck. I am still waiting for that lucky break!
For my 14th birthday this year, my parents surprised me by taking my friends and I to a concert at the Colosseum (originally the Flavian Amphitheater) that holds 55,000 people and once held the infamous fights of the gladiators. I had such an incredible time!
Additionally, some must see sights in Rome or near Rome are the Pantheon, Vatican City, and the Arch of Titus. I can't wait for next week, my family is going to the Leaning Tower of Pisa located in the district of Tuscany!!!
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