Hey there! I realized that I've been telling you about my culture, and I haven't even told you about Iceland's origin. Iceland was started around the time of AD 874 by a group of Norwegians. Although it is an island in the North Atlantic Ocean, it is relatively warm. Many believe that we are constantly frozen, but that it is not true; we are heated by the Gulf Stream. We still have normal lives in a country with normal temperatures. As I have previously informed you, Reykjavik, my beautiful city, is the capital of Iceland. There are approximately 320,000 people currently living in Iceland. Although I have never seen an active volcano, there are tons of active volcanoes here. It is a little frightening, but also pretty cool. In addition to the volcanoes, we have many mountains and glaciers. Before the 1900's, the citizens in my country were very dependent on agriculture and fish. However, we now have access to many different resources. Our republic is now very wealthy and advanced. There is an interesting book that has been updated throughout the years called the Landnamabok. This is where we have learned a great deal about our history; it translates as the Book of Settlement. The picture is of a page in the Landnamabok. Well, I'm going shopping this afternoon, so I'll talk to you later!
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