Thursday, October 8, 2009
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hey Krzysztof, the mountains in Poland are awesome this time of year. We get three feet of snow during the fall till the end of spring. When i get out school I always bring my board where ever I go so that I can go snowboarding when ever I can. Once I get up to the top of the lift I always take about ten minutes to gaze in awe. After that I snowboard like its the last time I will ever go. Here are a few pictures.
Famous people

HI, its Ceana. I want to tell you about all the famous people from Scotland. We have Robert Adam, he was an amazing arichtect, known for his elegance and detail. James Bruce was an explorer who discovered the edge of the blu nile in 1770. George Brown, The founding father of Canada and politician. MAny important people came from SCotland.
About me
Since i have told you all about where I'm from i thought i would tell you a little about me.My nickname is the Austrian oak.I am 62 and i am currently the governor of California. I have been an body builder since i was 15.I won the Mr. Universe at 22 and won the Mr Olympian 7 times.I was born in Thal, Austria.
Monday, October 5, 2009
hugh Jass here
today i want to talk about cheese in the netherlands. Holland is the largest export of cheese in the world. This is also the hometown of cheese, this is where it was created. Also They hold A world record of producing the most cheese.
Hugh Jass here
Dogs and Cat's in Italy

Here in Italy. I have a 2 dogs and 1 cat. One of my dogs are obeast which isn't uncommon. In fact 36% of the countries dogs are obese. My cat is obese which is common since 46% percent of cats in Italy are obese. Doctors says that my family is doing a good job on feeding both of my obese animals their bodies just keep alot of the food energy. My 2 dogs are named Otis and Snoozy, and my cat's name is Milo.
-Kobe Dwyane DiCaprio

Troy O'Sullivan here to talk about hurling here in Ireland. Hurling is the most typically Gaelic of Ireland's national games. It's an extremely fast sport played with two teams of fifteen. The goal posts resemble the ones used in rugby. Each half in a game is thirty minutes and thirty-five in semi-final and finals games. In the south there are extremely violent matches.
Irish Music
Hey, it's Troy O'Sullivan again to tell you about Irish music. Ireland is the only country with a musical instrument as its national emblem-the harp. Traditional song and dance are the most vibrant part of our culture. The oldest form of Irish music is generally called sean-nos' singing is a highly ornate, unaccompanied, individual style associated for the most part with songs in Irish. Traditional songs in English include national ballads and native Hiberno-English songs.
Hugh Jass here

Hey its hugh Jass today i want to talk about the famous anne frank. Anne Frank was born in the city of Frankfurt am main Weimar Germany but she mostly lived her life in Amsterdam. She was born June 12th 1929 and died in Early March in 1945 in a concentration camp during wwII. Her house is a museum in Amsterdam and its a good tourist place, so if your wondering where to go in Amsterdam than you must go here.
Belgium Flag

Hey guys! I haven't talked a lot about Belgium's history, so I wanted to tell everyone about my new found knowledge on the flag. Belgium's flag is black, gold, and red stripes in a vertical pattern. The flag was created based on France's flag. Belgium adopted the flag to show its independence and the colors of the flag represent the coat of arms. The country adopted the flag on January 23, 1831. The flag's colors are shown in the coat of arms, the gold stands for the lion, the black is the shield, and the red is the lion's tongue and claws. Hope you enjoyed learning about Belgium's flag!
Sweden ...

Hey its Isabella again and for the last time, this is my last post. I hope that I have helped you learn more and more about Sweden. I have enjoyed telling you about Sweden and all that they do there. I learned a lot just by telling everyone about it. I hope that I can make it up here in Sweden just for a little bit longer. Like they say in Swedish "hej" which means bye.
Dario's Living
German Etiquette
In Germany it is very rude to not use Mr. or Ms. unless invited to do so. In germany the common greeting here is a firm handshake. also when you go to a german's home it is common etiquette to bring them a gift of yellow roses, chocolate, or imported wine. in germany when invited to dinner do not arrive early arrive right on time because punctuality is important. when you go into someone's house for dinner do not sit until shown to a seat.
Dario's Job

Attractions to see in Frankfurt,Germany
Pride for Mother Italy

As an Italian i have an excess of pride for my provider. Living in possibly the greatest country in the world fills me with happiness everyday. Our colors can be seen everywhere from bike shops to our sports stadiums. Every person bleeds red, white, and green. Since this is my final post i would like evryone to know that Italy should always be a target when traveling. Just call me up and we can set something up.
sports in sweden

Edinburgh Castle
And yet again, it's Ian. Today I'm going to talk about Edinburgh Castle. First of all, it is the home of the Scottish Crown Jewels. Apparently, there are indications of the castle being as old as second century AD. The location makes the castle nearly impregnable, but at the same time the basalt it is built on does not allow much water through, and providing water to the upper wards has always been problematic. This is especially a problem under siege conditions. The castle is also the home of Mons Meg, a six ton siege cannon.
Victoria Hayes

Good Morning, today I woke up to a rainy day in Rome, but that didn't stop me from going on my adventure. Today school was out so my mom and I decided to take a shopping trip to the jewelry stores. Most people don't know that the jewelry in Rome are hand made. Making hand jewelry in Rome is so popular that you can take a jewelry class to teach you how to make jewerly. Rome has some of the most beatiful jewerly I have ever seen. I have to say my favorite piece of jewerly I have would be, a green necalace that is hand made. Most jewelry From Rome are very classy and simple, but its a type of jewelry that speaks for it's self. Now that you have all this information about the jewelry in Rome, I think its best if you take a trip to Rome and come see for your self.
Italian Familys

Italys image as a country with large families is slowly fading. Over 18 percent of the population is over 65 and birth rates are decreasing. Population has only increased by 217, 713 since 1991 which is relativily low compared to other contries. Italians over 100 have doubled and families with over six people have decreased form 3.4 to 1.7 percent. There are over a million more women than men, which if u ask me is not a problem.
Eiffel Tower

A huge icon of France is located right in my hometown of Paris. It is the Eiffel Tower. Everybody knows what it is but they don't know anything about it so I'm going to talk about it today. First off, the architecture for the building was created by Alexandre Gustav Eiffel. He almost didn't get to build it because the Exposition Committee would only grant a fourth of the money he needed so he had to fund his own money. He independently had to find funders for his tower but he agreed that he would have them pay for the tower and he would have control of the towers income for the first twenty years. The tower payed off in the first year alone and Eiffel profited for the next 19 years and became very rich. Other problems occured before he could build it. Many architects and artists got mad because they believed that a tower made of entirely iron would be ugly and a disgrace to Paris.They even compared it to a gigantic black factory smokestack. After it was built people thought it was just a naked structure of iron and needed 'skin' like the Statue of Liberty had on its iron frame. However, this never happenned because most people thought it was an architectural milestone because of how its all iron structure showed so much beauty.
Hey whats up everyone? Did you know that in Germany if you have a car its a very small car because theres not much parking. And if you have a car you better have good bumpers and insurance. People belive in moving your car by bumping bumpers if you are in two spaces, even if you are barely over the line. They would rather ride bikes because they are like pedestrians and have the right away. If a biker says get out of the way you should probably do so or they will run you over!!!!
Greek Art
Jobs & Good-bye.
We have many of the same jobs as any other country, and we work the same as hours as you might. I personally work at a local resturaunt where my friends also work. I know people say working with friends is never a good thing, but it's great! We also work during the weeks,probably on the same days as you! It was great to tell you about my home and country! I hope you enjoyed it!!! Thanks for reading!!
German Sights
In germany one of the popular sites is Neuschwanstein. It is a castle that is nestled in the alps. Another poppular site is brandenburg gate. In germany there is a road called romantic road. This road leads to scenic and cultural Germany. There is also a cathedral called the cathedral of clogne. it is the third tallest cathedral in the world.
Dario's Speed

Hey everybody, how are we doing to day? Today I am going to tell you about one of my most favorite cars I love to drive. This greatly built Lp 640 Lamborghini Murcielago, with massive power and a amazing bust to your body for a rush of amazing amount of speed. The speed for the Lamborghini is about 330. This car is just so amazing it can fit anybodys needs for a veichical. The car is about 400,000 dollars. When I just feel like having fun with my car I go to the Monza to race. Other amazing car is the Ferri, other car with great speed and built with the best quality.


Hi its Ceana, Here in Scotland we do celebrate Christmas. Christmas actually used to be a working holiday. It lasts so long that the people neede to go to work. But they shortnened it as a public holiday. Also right after christamas is a bank holiday. We have tons of those. A bank holiday is celebrated in the U.K. and Ireland. Those are so even the police,firemen,and bank people get a break during the year.
I'm off to Venice!! Arriverderci!

Hey, guys. Today will be my last post for sometime since tomorrow my family and I are traveling to Venice!! It is custom in Italy for a person in greeting to kiss the other person two times on the cheeks or give air kisses in they know the person. If the two people are strangers, a handshake, direct contact, and a smile suffices. Also, family is a major aspect in Italian culture because they provide stability, support, and encouragement. I am so thankful for my own family, even though my sister is annoying sometimes. ;) Arriverderci (good bye)! Farewell!
Sunday, October 4, 2009
pastimes here in Germany

Hi it is Hans Meier again and before I talk about todays subject I just want to say that I am sad that this is my last post. Formula 1 racing is is big here along with soccer. For the most part your American football, baseball and basketball are not wery well known. I personally like soccer more than anything else, in an earlier post I actually said I was on a soccer team.
The Bolshevik Revolution

The current government in my counrty first started with the October 1917 revolution led by the Bolshevik Party. This led to the rise of communism in Russia. The Revolution was led by Vladimir Lenin. The revolt was against the monarchy of the Romanov family since Russia had been a monarchy for many centuries, the working class were very poor and the rich upper class were very rich. Even though this revolution succeeded many Russians were no better off. The Bolsheviks did a lot to make Russia a better country eventually. We now have a Federation government with a Prime Minister.
Russian Submarine Kursk

On August 12, 2000 , K-141 Kursk one of our nuclear cruise missile submarines sank in the Barents Sea and eveyone on board died. Kursk, full name Атомная подводная лодка was also known to NATO as an Oscar II nuclear submarine. It was named after the Russian city Kursk, where the largest tank battle in military history, took place in 1943. This submarine was part of the Northern Fleet and was completed after the Soviet Union broke up and our large country became many smaller countries. Even though our Navy has suffered many losses we still have a great Navy and most Russians think we can compete with the American Navy.
The Battle for Stalingrad, Russia

During World War 2, one of the worst times was during the battle for Stalingrad. The Germans were determined to take the city. From August 19 1942 - February 2, 1943 we fought the Germans in a bloody battle and many from both sides died. Our leader Stalin was also determined to hold the city at all cost. The Germans were not ready for our long and cold winter and were defeated. The Russian army was victorious with the help of the winter.
St. Petersburg, Russia Vacation

Hi all,
My family and I went to St. Petersburg for vacation. This city was called Leningrad from 1924–1991. Then it was renamed St. Petersburg. This city was founded by Tsar Peter I in 1703 and was th capital for over two hundred years. Like all of Russia the city is very old. the buildings are cold and dark. Our winter is very bad and cold. We visited some really big palaces that were cold. I wonder if they could be warm during the winter. This city has an intersting history.
My family and I went to St. Petersburg for vacation. This city was called Leningrad from 1924–1991. Then it was renamed St. Petersburg. This city was founded by Tsar Peter I in 1703 and was th capital for over two hundred years. Like all of Russia the city is very old. the buildings are cold and dark. Our winter is very bad and cold. We visited some really big palaces that were cold. I wonder if they could be warm during the winter. This city has an intersting history.
The Space Race, America and Russia.
In the 1950's and 1960's Russia was in an arms race with America. This included the space race.
Russia launched it first rocket in 1957, a Intercontinental Ballistic Missile rocket. Through the last half of the 20th century the race would continue. After the end of the cold war with Russia, now Cosmonauts and American Astronauts orbit the earth in the International Space station. Over this past 50 years, the space rockets have changed. What began as a weapons race now may tell us more about space.
In the 1950's and 1960's Russia was in an arms race with America. This included the space race.
Russia launched it first rocket in 1957, a Intercontinental Ballistic Missile rocket. Through the last half of the 20th century the race would continue. After the end of the cold war with Russia, now Cosmonauts and American Astronauts orbit the earth in the International Space station. Over this past 50 years, the space rockets have changed. What began as a weapons race now may tell us more about space.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Italiano Fashionista!

Hey, it's Adelina here. Today I'm going to talk about Italy's fashion and the influence it has on the world. First of all, the fashion capital in Italy is Milan. There you can find designer stores like Armani, Prada, Gucci, Versace Donatella, Fendi, Dolce e Gabanna, Garavini Valentino, and the list goes on....and on. We Italians think it is important to have a great heart, but we love fashion with a passion and the latest trends! We like classy, sophisticated, unique, elegant, and durable styles the best. Not to mention, there is an attitude of confidence that helps improve our apparel. Tonight my friends, my mom, my sister, and I are going to Roma's annual Donna Sotto le Stelle (Woman Under the Stars), a fashion show that is held on the Spanish Steps or Piazza di Spagna. It will be so much fun! Well, see ya later, it's time to glam up!
Transportation in Roma!!

Ciao! Amico! (hey! friend!) I think I am in love....with CARS! Lately, I've been thinking so much about Italy's transportation and all of our Lamborghinis, Maseratis, Alfa Romeos, and Ferraris. I know this is unusual since I'm also a fan of fashion, but I can't help it. Although, here in Rome, I mostly walk on foot to school and around the city since driving is hazardous and I'm not old enough to drive, sadly. Another way of transportation is riding a motorbike, bicycle, or moped. These are definately more convenient especially in the heart of Roma or the more historic part. My favorite automobile maker is Lamborghini founded in 1963 by Ferruccio Lamborghini. These are some truly exquisite cars, namely the Lamborghini Gallardo that someday I hope to earn and use to tour my whole homeland.
Last post
Well, I guess this is goodbye for now. I am leaving for a 3 month trip to Canada to train in skiing. I hope to be in the 2018 Winter Olympics. I will miss all of my friends, but my family keeps saying I will have more fun in Canada. I don't believe that at all. Most of all, I will miss the austrian culture. I can't go 3 weeks without tafelspitz, let alone 3 months. I barely know English, and I don't know any French at all. And I'm going to Ontario. I will miss my family more than anything else. I do everything I can to make them proud of me and it appears that this will make them happy if I go. But it will not make me happy. My plane leaves in 5 hours. My mom made me a slice of chocolate cake to bring with me on the plane ride to Canada. Yesterday at school my class threw me a going away party. It just made me even more sad. Well, I guess I'll leave you. I still have some people to say goodbye to. Goodbye to all of my readers.
Thursday, October 1, 2009

hey its william how you chaps doing? yea i was listening to the radio and i relized that i haven't talked to you about music that could be one of your intrests if you read my postes. well you see in the u.s you listen to country rock rap and here we listen to all types of music from punk and rock to classic. there area punk bands like the drones and the boys and for classics baytoven is still a hit.
Trip to Gent!

Hello Everyone! I'm back and I'm very excited to get to visit the city of Gent in Belgium next weekend. Gent is closest to Brussels rather than my city Antwerp and is a Major tourist attraction. At one time Gent was the second largest city in Europe next to Paris, France. It's said to be a very beautiful city, which is easy to believe considering almost every place I've visited in Belgium is gorgeous. Dirk has business there, so while he's gone I'm going to visit some museums and gardens all around the city. Then in the evening Dirk and I will go to Ostend. Ostend is a large seaport to the west of the city. I can't wait! -Jenna
united kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. they have a queen and a parliament and 2 houses, house of lords and commons
Muzik ummkay

DiCaprio here talking about music. I actually prefer listening to the hard rhymes of "Lil Wayne." One of the most famous Italians in music is Adriano Celentano who has sold over 70 million records. He's tried Melodic, Rock & Roll, and rap. Italian rock, melodic, and cantautori. Many Italians listen to American music because how spread out music is where there is country, techno, rap, r & b, rock, hard rock, and disco. Here there's pretty much only 3 types of music. Over the coming years I want music to expand
Hi, today I'm going to tell you about my home town, Hertford. In 2006 it was rated in the top 10 places in the UK to live. The population is about 28,000. The town Meryton in the novel Pride and Prejudice is thought to have been based on Hertford. Alfred Russel Wallace lived in there between the ages of five and thirteen and attended Hertford Grammar School. The band Deep Purple comes from Hertford. And for Harry Potter fans, Rupert Grint (Ron Weasley) comes from Hertford.
Famous Belgium People!

Hey again! Although Belgium is a very small country, there are famous people us Americans know. I was really surprised to find Audrey Hepburn was born right here in Belgium. Audrey Hepburn was most known for her appearance in "Breakfast at Tiffany's" which I watched last night! I just randomly found out she was from here and thought I'd let everyone know Belgium does have famous people! Most ladies will know the name Liz Claiborne, back in America I always remember my mom buying Liz Claiborne clothes. Liz Claiborne was born in Brussels, Belgium and made millions in her fashion designing and apparel company. Maybe it's just me, but I love finding out things i didn't know.
fast facts
united kingdom population 60,068,000, currency british pound, capital is london, language mainly english, scottish and welsh.
Irish Myth.

Hey, it's Troy O'Sullivan again to tell you about Irish myths. As many people know four-leaf clovers bring good luck if found. Leperchauns in Irish are little sprites or goblins. Leperchauns are said to be old men commonly found intoxicated. They are also self appointed gaurdians of treasure. The origins of the shamrock plant are lost but are said to have represented the Trinity in the times of Saint Patrick. Since then the shamrock has become a symbol of Irish culture. It remains maybe the most famous symbol of Irish culture.
The places to go
I forgot to mention that another thing we do is go walking around downtown Vienna to all of the shops. We usually just get shirts and other sorts of clothing. We usually spend 5 hours walking around before we all catch a bus to go home. It gets very crouded downtown even on school days. Many cars are going up and down the road you have to watch out for them. Most people are nice though. Everyone seems to always have a smile on their face. I love living where I do, and I would never want to change that.
Videogames and console of germany

Hi it is Hans Meier again, today I am going to talk about video games. Some of you may have heard that Germany is going to ban all violent video games, this is possible but highly unlikely. Also a lot of popular games have been made here like the Crysis series and many more. We also play a lot of the games you play, like Halo or Counter Srike. My favorite video game is Ion assault, but you people have probably never heard of it. We are actually leading European game sales right now.
Other things I do in my spare time.
When I am not doing my school work or training for my next skiing competitions, I like to just watch T.V. And sometimes on the weekends we take my friends boat over to the lake and we go like 60 kph. That's one of the things I look forward to doing every weekend, but I usually have skiing practice. There are not that many boaters around because it is so cold, but we like the cold. Sometimes the lake freezes and we all go ice skating, but there are more people.
Food in Latvia
Latvia has some very different food than the United States of America. Latvian bacon buns are usually used as appetizers or part of a meal. They are biscuits with bacon inside and the people from there think it is delicious. Latvian Rye Bread is bread from Latvia served with butter, usually given out before a meal and commonly used with tea. Salads are a part of Latvian daily life. Latvians always eat salad, eaten for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Latvians love sweets and baked goods for dessert.
These are some Latvian Bacon Buns.
My car isn't my baby...

As you may already know, here in England we drive our cars in what you would call the passengers side. And you probably think we all drive the old classic models, which are in fact, just as nice as they seem, but we don't. My family for instants has 2 mini coopers, a yellow and red, and they're just as fine as any other vehicle on the road. One major thing for us is that, like many of you Americans, we don't worship our cars. As for me, my car isn't my baby.
German Cars
Theres not much about german cars. germany produces many types pf cars. the most popular kind is a bmw. they also produce audi's wolkesvagon. that is all i could find on the german makes of cars.
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